In 2017 the story of The Final Percent began with a total eclipse. In 2024, that story became our community story.
When we found out that there would be a Total Eclipse in the United States for the second time in less than 10 years, we got so excited. And so we set out to create a fantastic event where everyone could watch this celestial experience with us.
After a couple of changes, last-minute adaptations, and hoping beyond hope that the clouds would not block our view. We sat down in Dallas Texas with around 50 people, and we observed an absolutely incredible Total Eclipse.
Thank you so much to everyone who attended, and thank you so much to speakers who brought incredible trainings to the event.
The Final Percent, our name, our fundamental principles, and our primary concept spawned from the eclipse. As such, we want to watch the eclipse whenever possible.
The next Totality in the United States won't be until 2044, so we might just have to go over seas in order to experience this whenever possible.
The recording of the event is available on the Events Channel in TFP TV.
Head over there to watch!
Every September we host an event right here in Colorado. This event always brings in a wide variety of speakers, guests, and activities.
In 2021 we held our first big conference, during which we had two full days of speakers who brought incredibly powerful speeches to the stage. In 2022 we moved the location to our in-house studio and made the event a little more intimate. Then in 2023 we hosted at our home studio once again but amped up the challenge and activity aspect of the event.
From 2023 onward we will be hosting the Infinity Summit as our annual meeting here in Colorado.
Our annual summit is becoming the Infinity Summit. An event for our Mastermind group, the Infinity Club. After 11 years of hosting the annual summit, we found that the Infinity Club members were always the ones who made it out to this event.
While it doesn't mean that we'll stop hosting our conferences, it does mean you will no longer be able to join us for the annual summit, unless you are an Infinity Club Member.
We have all of the recordings from the annual summit in 2020 until 2023 available here on the website if you would like to view them. Simply head over to our membership and look for the section titled Past Events to view all the event recordings you can get access to.
TFP Lunar MembershipTFP RETREATS
Throughout the year we host retreats across America, with special guests, activities, opportunities, and much more. In 2023 we hosted retreats in Scottsdale Arizona and Cenntenial Wyoming.
In Scottsdale, we hosted at the Princess Hotel and brought in speakers such as Cosimo Intermite, Brian Bogert, and Julie Dale. This event was a lot of fun and brought some of the best training we had been able to show to everyone.
In Cenntenial we got to host a little bit more of a classic retreat. In the mountains just outside Cenntenial, everyone go to stay in a cabin, meet in a lodge and go on adventures through the mountain side.
This year we will host our most exciting retreat to date. We will be heading out to Oklahoma alongside Seth Storment to watch the total eclipse. The eclipse is the foundation of our company and as such is one we are not going to miss out on.
We are also heading back to Cenntential Wyoming yet again. This year however we will be hosting it leading up to July 4th so that you can see how Wyoming really celebrates the foundation fo America.
We have all of the recordings from last year available in our past event catalog if you would like to view the training we did while out there.
Access via the membership to watch now.
While we do host our own events throughout the year we also work with other companies across the nation to bring amazing events and training.
In 2023 we worked with Renatus and George Bryant to both host and speak at their events.
With Renatus, we spoke at the 2023 National Conference, flew out to Cancun Mexico to attend the leader's retreat, spoke at the Annual Everest retreat, hosted the 2023 Denver Regionals, and attended Regionals in Washington D.C., Atlanta Georgia, and Chicago Illinois.
With George Bryant, we spoke at his Lighthouse event in Austin Texas, after he had done us the honor of speaking at our event in 2021 and 2022.
We never know where will be headed at the start of the year. As of now, we will be attending the 2024 National Conference with Renatus and more than likely heading where the leader's retreat.
As we learn more about what's coming up, we will inform you about how you can get involved, attend or view the events.
With our partner companies, we recommend you look up their websites to view the content captured at their events. We do not often publish content recorded for others, however, there are a few exceptions such as the work we did with Coach Micheal Burt in 2020 during his comeback tour.
If you'd like to view that event, head to our membership!
TFP Lunar Membership