With The Infinity Club things that have felt out of reach suddenly become possible because you now have your who.
Your Who

The Infinity Model
The Final Percent designed The Infinity Model based on the work we have done with The Infinity Club.
The Infinity Club previously known as the TFP Mastermind helped us to gain insight into the areas of life everyone is constantly working on.
You too can be a part of the story as we build out and design this model in greater depth.


TFP TV & Mobile App
When you sign up you get instant access from our team to every online training we have or will do.

TFP Events
You will receive unique emails and promo codes from our team granting you access to all TFP-hosted events as well as how to join us for infinity Club exclusive ones.

TFP Services
You will get 50% off all TFP services including any work done with our media department or development team, as well as unique access to Infinity Club exclusive coaches.

The Infinity Club members come from all walks of life, from medical doctors to car salesmen we have a wide variety of individuals all looking to make an impact in their own way.
However, we don't just let anyone in. Here at The Final Percent, we care very little about what you do and how much you could pay us. We care about who you are. As such this group's admittance is by invitation only.
You can request a call, however we reserve the right to refuse anyone.

How long does this membership last?
What all is available to me?
What makes this diffrent?
How many people is a membership?
Interested In Joining?
Reach out and a team member will get in touch with you.