Group coaching is one of the most underrated coaching methods in modern times. Many people want solutions to their specific problems without first finding the root of the problems. 

In group coaching, we not only have the opportunity to work with one another to share experiences and solutions but also to hear from a wider array of professionals, leading to a more dynamic learning environment. 

If you remember in school, every class was based on three principles. Learn, test, implement. With Group coaching, we can do the same in an environment that promotes peer-to-peer analysis. 


With Eclipse Group Coaching, we utilize our Infinity Model to help you identify where your focus, effort, and implementation need to be. 

Each enrollment cycle has four months' worth of sessions.

In month one, we dive into Personal, break down the cause of personal strife, and identify the best routes in which to better your personal goals, mindset health, and overall personal life through standards and actions. 

In month two, we work with your Business. Now this isn't limited to employers or employees. Business includes everything related to your finances and wealth. During this month we break down methods in which to better your account balances and business practices.

In month three, we help you with Vitality. Vitality is the life force that you have behind everything you do. It includes fitness, hobbies, family time, friends, and so much more. With this, we work to break down the best methods to improve your general well-being, help you understand the importance of your vitality, and show how healthy, enjoyable activity can lead to a longer, more fulfilling life. 

In month four we jump into Community. Community is the cornerstone of every person's life. With that being said we will help you understand methods by which to show up with and for your community. One of the most vital parts is, how to become either impacted or impact a community merely with the person you show up as. 


Group coaching works when you are willing to do two things that are fundamental to your success. First, be attentive, second be active. Now that means two things in lamens terms, you need to listen and you need to speak. 

We need you to listen wholeheartedly to the advice given by the professionals and coaches and we need to ask the questions you have on your mind. 

A common phrase we have here at The Final Percent is, "They who ask the question is a fool for five minutes. They who never ask the question is a fool forever."

Although we are here to work with you and hold you accountable, you are the greatest source of change in your life. Should you decide to join this program, your goals and aspirations will come to fruition in tandem with knowledge and action. 

Sign Up

4 Months Of Group Coaching

During the four months, we will have a bi-weekly meeting on Mondays from 12:00 - 2:00 pm Moutain Time. In total that is 16 hours of training. These two-hour sessions will feature a guest speaker correlating to that month's subject, a long-form conversation about that month's subject, and a portion of time for Q&A. 

Access To All Past Session Recordings

We record every session and then upload the sessions to our online platform for your access at any point. In the event you need your identity hidden from the sessions, all you need to do is request as much and our media team will be sure that your identity is kept private. 

Access To Eclipse Group Coaching Community Forum

When you sign up you will added to the community forum centered around eclipse coaching. Here you can share with your group, things you've learned, steps you've taken or ask for advice on certain topics. 

4 Months Of Access To The Eclipse Membership

The Eclipse Membership includes all of our course library as well as all of our past events, all in one place. It will appear on your dashboard under the courses section. We will reference these classes throughout the sessions so be sure to use them!


Meet Dr. Kimble. After years in the music industry as a singer, songwriter, producer, and engineer, Dr. Kimble opened a college for young adults looking to improve their skills and knowledge in the music industry.

Now Dr. Kimble works with business owners, large-scale companies, and national organizations in an effort to help the world improve the way it interacts with one another. 

His belief is that mistakes, misunderstandings, and conflict are bound to happen, however, it is our ability to work through, not around, that connects us. 


Over the last six years, Dr. Kimble has been working with many clients in a one-on-one environment. From business owners to entire business staff, he has seen many of the ideas and passions that lead people to interact the way they do. 

During this time he developed what he refers to as "The Infinity Model". 

The Infinity Model functions off of the four areas of self-improvement he discovered. Personal, Business, Vitality, and Community. 

Here's how it works. When we first begin creating values and beliefs, we dive into who we are as a person (Personal). Then who we become as a person defines how we conduct our finances, wealth, and work (Business). Our business then adjusts how much life force we have to put into each moment we breathe (Vitality). How much vitality we have then changes who we show up as for our friends, families, and peers (Community). Finally, our community impacts the way in which we see the world and what our beliefs and ideas are (Personal). 

From there it goes around and around, constantly changing and evolving the complex nature of who we are as people. Due to this never-ending series of developments, he realized that these four pillars of growth are the way in which we as humans can achieve infinite potential, or squander our exponential nature. 


If you have any questions about Eclipse Group Coaching, please reach out via the contact page, and a member of our team will get back to you with assistance. 

Go to Contact Page



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  • 4 Months Of Group Coaching
  • Access To All Past Session Recordings
  • Access To Eclipse Group Coaching Community Forum
  • 4 Months Of Access To The Eclipse Membership
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